Saturday, October 31, 2009

Determination: The Zhang Qian Story

When I think of determination I think of someone who, even after great turmoil and challenge, has found the strength and will power to prevail. When I tried thinking of someone who encompassed the quality of being determined, I instantly thought of Zhang Qian and his diplomatic journey. He was a Chinese explorer during the 2nd Century and under the rule of the Han dynasty.
During his time as an explorer, he was sent by the emperor of the Han dynasty to go on a Diplomatic mission to the western side of China. He eagerly accepted this honorable mission. His mission was cut short upon being taken as a hostage. After many years of being held hostage, he managed to escape and continued his journey, and traveled throughout northern India.
In 125 B.C. he was able to return to the emperor with great, unexpected news. Throughout his travels, after being held captive in India, he was able to reveal much needed trade information to the emperor. He revealed that goods were being traded throughout previously unknown lands and peoples. His discovery aided in the Chinese trade revolution through use of the Silk Road.
His determination to press on despite the fact of being held captive, led to the advance in trade. No one really knew at that time the impact that trade would inevitably have on China and consequently the entire world.
Thanks Zhang Qian...your efforts are definitely appreciated and applauded!

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