Friday, November 13, 2009


Since my last post was about Constantine and his conversion to Christianity, I wanted to continue with the subject of how Christianity was viewed before and after he switched his religion. I find this to be an important subject because it really shows the impact that people of power had on everyone else. I think people today should look at examples like this and realize that we are all persuaded by others, and we really just need to think for ourselves.

To start off, Christianity was not very accepted when it first came about. In some places, if they found out you were a Christian, you would be killed. “Early Christians, facing scorn at best and persecution at worst, depending on Emperor and the era, were forced to blend in with their Pagan counterparts.” For Christians to even celebrate their holidays, they would have to cover it up from a different celebration that was going on.

Christianity was also not only influened by Constantine; there were many other factors. As talked about in lecture, religions in general were being spread through trade routes (silk road), because they were universal, had morals, and many other reasons. The spread of Chrisitianity through political dynamics goes hand in hand with they way Constantine the Great dealt with Christianity. It started to become more popular after he became the sole ruler of the Roman Empire. Though he did not punish those who were not Christian, he started giving benefits to those who were.

In conclusion, there were many apsects to the spread of religion (Christianity in particular). Though each person had their own reason for converting to Christianity, it is one of the most popular religions today. People would not have all the morals and faith we have today without all of these events occuring.

1 comment:

  1. When Christianity first become believed by the Western world it is understandable that people were killed for there beliefs. It is sad to think that after all this time there are still Christians that are being hurt and killed for following Christianity. Christianity is the most popular religion today and it is suprising that some still strongly oppose this belief to the point of ending someones life.
